7656 Calloway Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93314
9120 Laramie Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93314
9116 Cortona Ct, Bakersfield, CA 93314
7317 Norris Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93308
7817 Davin Park Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93308
9515 Riviera Del Sol Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93314
9012 Broadleaf Way, Shafter, CA 93263
7700 Ruthburg Way, Bakersfield, CA 93314
8718 Dromana Ct, Bakersfield, CA 93314
11412 Martinsville Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93312
13411 Challis Forest Ln, Bakersfield, CA 93314
8008 Ruthburg Ct, Bakersfield, CA 93314
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